Context and Complexity as Fertile Ground for Thrivability
[A version of this post originally appeared in April 2018 at It is my responses to a series of interview questions about complexity science, living systems, and the Age of Thrivability.] How would you describe the “context” that filters into and...When Warriors Try to Weave
Living Systems, Jung’s Archetypes, and the Fullness of What’s Needed to Cultivate Regenerative Community I recently participated in a nourishing 3½-day gathering of people dedicated to regenerative, life-aligned ways of living. Presentations and conversations swirled...Embodying the Archetypes of Thrivability
[Excerpted from The Age of Thrivability: Vital Perspectives and Practices for a Better World] As we explore the concept of thrivability and the practice of stewardship, it becomes clear that what we are really talking about is embodying all four of the living...Destiny or Downfall? The Decision Point in the American Experiment
The founders of the United States laid out quite a brilliant and comprehensive plan. But their vision is often misinterpreted and oversimplified. Many have some of it right. Few truly grasp the broadest original intentions, in all their wisdom and critical relevance...The Refugee’s Gift
I’ve been helping a family of Syrian refugees – Omar, Salwa and their 7 children – since they arrived here 3 weeks ago, sponsored by the Unitarian Church of Montreal. After escalating violence, their home was destroyed by bombs 4 days after the...Page 1 of 2