Thoughts On Thrivability

Regeneration and Reconciliation in a Colonized World

Regeneration and Reconciliation in a Colonized World

For the past several months, I’ve been co-hosting a Montréal dinner and conversation series to explore the emerging global movement around regeneration. When my two co-hosts and I realized that the next gathering would fall on September 30 – Canada’s National Day of...

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From Convincing to Convening

From Convincing to Convening

“But how can we convince the others?” It never fails. No matter what the sector, I can almost count down the seconds before this question comes up in any good-size gathering where we’re exploring the need to shift to more life-aligned, regenerative perspectives and...

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Honoring the Stages of Regeneration

Honoring the Stages of Regeneration

I speak and consult frequently about the practice of regeneration in contexts as wide-ranging as tourism, agriculture, community and business. And always, people want examples. Not only that, they want perfect, start-to-finish examples of best practices – a clear...

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The Giving Field

The Giving Field

I often see the emerging concept of regenerative tourism described as “leaving a place better than we found it.” In fact, the basic sentiment is widely shared even beyond tourism, in what Carol Sanford would call the “do good” paradigm. That’s nice, and necessary. But...

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Regenerative Tourism: Elitist or Inclusive?

Regenerative Tourism: Elitist or Inclusive?

Tourism visionary Dianne Dredge, PhD and I were recently called out by name in an online opinion piece claiming that "regenerative tourism" is elitist. This is a common critique. Certainly, there are individual offerings and individual operators that are higher priced...

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Alien Nation and the Need for Brave Spaces

Alien Nation and the Need for Brave Spaces

I’ve been involved with three groups with varying approaches to inclusion recently. In two, there was a strong reluctance to engage in unconventional topics or to try new meeting formats for fear of alienating some members of the community. It was striking to me that...

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Tourism, Regeneration and Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Tourism, Regeneration and Seeing the Forest for the Trees

I’ve just come back from a wonderful week as a Researcher in Residence at Nova School of Business and Economics (pictured above) in Portugal. I was there at the invitation of Graham Miller, head of the Westmont Institute of Tourism and Hospitality and a thoroughly...

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Beyond Fight or Flight

Beyond Fight or Flight

We all know about the "fight or flight" response to threat. Sometimes "freeze" gets added to the list. But rarely do we acknowledge that nature also offers the option to "flock." This came up at a gathering this weekend hosted by Amélie Chanda and her colleagues at...

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